5 Reasons You Should Get Your Child Braces

It might seem a little early to think about braces for your child, but the truth is that it may be the best decision you’ve ever made. A Cumming, GA pediatric orthodontist will recommend braces for your child if they have some issues with their bite or alignment of the teeth. This can be caused by sucking their thumb or pacifier, grinding their teeth, and other issues with the jaw.

Braces are often a little painful, but it’s still an incredibly worthwhile experience for your child to get the brace. With braces, your child can have a perfect bite and straight teeth that will stay that way. It’s also an investment in their teeth. A child might not agree today, but in ten or twenty years, they’ll love the results and wish they had it done sooner. 

Here are some of the best reasons to get your child braces.

  1. Overcrowded teeth

When a child has overcrowded teeth, they can’t have proper room for their permanent teeth to grow. Because of this, there isn’t enough room for all of the teeth to fit in the mouth or on the jaw. This can cause major issues because the child will have problems chewing, swallowing, and speaking properly.

  1. Crooked teeth

If your child has crooked teeth, the dental issues will continue to get worse. The jaw and bite won’t be properly aligned, which can cause jaw pain and headaches. This can also cause serious issues with academic success. Their speech issues can prevent them from being understood by their peers and teachers in school.

  1. Difficulty chewing foods because of under, cross, or overbites

If your child has an underbite, crossbite, or overbite, they may have a difficult time chewing or swallowing certain foods. When your child’s permanent teeth start to grow out, they won’t be able to fit in the mouth correctly and will most likely cause damage to the teeth and gums. 

  1. You hit the roof of your mouth constantly while chewing or bite your cheek constantly

If your child is hit or bite their cheek while they eat or chew, they may have an overbite. When this occurs, the permanent teeth will not be able to fit in the right place, which causes major dental problems.

  1. Your jaw makes sounds while eating

The jaw makes noises when it’s not in the correct place. When this happens, your child may have chronic headaches and jaw pain. If the jaw moves too far forward or back, it can cause serious dental problems.