6 Most Common Tooth Injuries And Accidents

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Taking care of your dental health is very important. Your teeth are the first things that people will notice when you are talking to them. Studies also show that those with crooked teeth or missing tooth have trouble in upping their self-confidence. Actively preventing these can help in your career as well.

It’s important to know when emergency dental care Reston VA is needed. Knowing the most common tooth injuries and accidents will give you an idea as to when to get help from your dentist especially when you understand it it’s for an emergency. Below are 6 of the most common cases.

  1. Knocked-out Baby Tooth

This is when a baby loses their tooth due to an accident. An example is falling on their head and hitting the floor. A baby tooth can easily become loose and might be knocked out. If this is the case, make sure that you contact the dental office immediately to avoid complications stemming from the missing tooth in a particular area.

  1. Chipped tooth

A minor fracture with your tooth will give the area a yellow color. In most cases, it won’t be painful unless there is swelling in the area such as sports-related accidents. It’s still better to not prolong the wait and talking to a dentist as soon as it is possible to prevent further chipping from happening on that particular tooth.

  1. Displaced tooth

When a tooth gets pushed inward suddenly, there will be a jolt of paint that can be felt. A noticeable change to the direction and placement of the tooth can be observed. This has to be checked by a dentist immediately because the nerves may become affected. The tooth can also become knocked out if the displacement is too severe which can cause an immensely painful experience.

  1. Fractured tooth

Compared to a chipped tooth, this is when the fracture goes down to the blood supply. The nerves will also be affected. It’s extremely painful. This is when you really have to seek emergency dental care Reston VA because the pain will not stop until a root canal procedure has been done to save the tooth. Prolonging the wait can cause even more pain to the person.

  1. Loosened tooth

A loosened tooth happens randomly and occurs due to different reasons. In most cases, however, it will tighten up on its own. If there is a problematic tooth that always becomes loose, it’s better to seek a dentist’s opinion on whether or not there is something that needs to be done. The loosened tooth may be bleeding as well but usually doesn’t cause pain.

  1. Knocked-out permanent tooth

Also known as an avulsed tooth, a knocked-out permanent tooth requires dental emergency. It has to be re-implanted within 2 hours or the damage is going to be permanent. It usually doesn’t cause much pain to have a knocked-out permanent tooth especially if it’s knocked clean off. However, complications may arise if the nerves are left exposed in your mouth.

If you need emergency dental care Reston VA, our team at SmileZone is ready to help. Contact us today so we can assist you.