Five Dental Symptoms that Warrant a Visit to a Dentist

A lot of people skip their dental appointments or choose not to schedule appointments at all. They think that brushing and flossing their teeth is enough to keep them clean and healthy. However, some symptoms of dental issues are not immediately visible and may continue to rot. This is the reason you must go to a dentist who specializes in family cosmetic dentistry at least twice every year.  Also, you must not ignore any dental symptoms you may experience as they may indicate the existence of a serious dental issue. These symptoms include the following:

Tooth Pain

There are various kinds of toothaches, and if you are aware of why you are experiencing one, you might not worry. But if you experience serious pain that does not seem to disappear, you should schedule an appointment with your dentist. Serious tooth pains can result from an infection, trapped food particles, and advanced gum disease. 

Increased Tooth Sensitivity

Do your teeth hurt after you eat or drink? If so, something may not be right, and you must see your dentist. Sometimes, this can happen because you consumed acidic food or grind your teeth excessively. However, if your teeth tend to bother you, see your dentist as soon as possible. 

Bleeding Gums

Seeing blood on your toothbrush is not normal. This can be due to various reasons, including gum disease. Proper hygiene, such as regular tooth brushing and flossing, can help relieve gum disease. But when the condition has advanced, it usually requires serious attention from your dentist. So, if your gums are bleeding, you should discuss this with your dentist as soon as possible because the problem can get worse.  

Chronic Dry Mouth

Your saliva helps keep your teeth and gums healthy, as well as serves as your mouth’s natural defense against tooth decay. A very dry mouth makes you prone to bad breath and decay. Also, dry mouth happens when your mouth doesn’t produce enough saliva due to a medical issue or as a side effect of certain medications. If you experience chronic dry mouth, see your dentist, and know how to remedy it. 


For a lot of people, snoring is normal. However, sometimes, snoring can be due to the anatomy of the mouth, such as sleeping on the back, consuming alcohol, or not getting enough sleep. Also, snoring can indicate more serious conditions, such as obstructive sleep apnea. Those who have this condition may experience not breathing for a certain period. A dentist can help determine what’s causing you to snore and take necessary action.