Five Orthodontic Treatments and Their Myths

Do you have concerns regarding orthodontic care? You have company. Some of the myths that keep people from attaining their dream smile are surprising.

Gaiduchik Orthodontics would be delighted to address any concerns you may have during your consultation. Let us start by putting some common misconceptions about straightening your teeth to rest so you may make an appointment with more confidence. 

  1. Straightening Teeth Takes a Long Time

Straighter teeth may be within your reach sooner than you think. The amount of tooth and jaw movement required by your orthodontist will determine the length of your therapy.

Your orthodontist will carefully design and oversee your treatment, whether you choose metal braces or clear aligners. How well you follow your treatment plan could affect the length of time it takes. 

  1. The only way to straighten teeth is with metal braces.

Want perfect teeth without the hassle of braces? Discuss Invisalign with your dentist. Invisalign is a brand of practically invisible aligners that gradually shift your teeth into place. Anyone looking to correct their smile discreetly can benefit from them.

Because they are worn over the teeth, Invisalign braces must be removed before eating, flossing, and brushing. With the exception of eating, brushing, and flossing, you should wear your aligners for 20–22 hours per day.

  1. Orthodontic treatment is only available to children and teenagers.

You can always get your teeth straightened. Adults are increasingly recognizing the benefits of orthodontic treatment.

We also provide alternatives to traditional metal braces for adults who may be self-conscious about wearing them. The fact that clear aligners are nearly undetectable by others is a major selling point for many patients. Ceramic braces are also less noticeable than metal ones.

  1. Aesthetically, braces do not do much.

The consequences of tooth crowding extend beyond the aesthetic. Plaque promotes cavities and gum disease, and it tends to accumulate in hard-to-reach places between teeth. When teeth overlap, it is hard to do simple things like brushing. Fortunately, when teeth are moved with braces or Invisalign, it becomes less difficult to maintain appropriate oral hygiene.

Untreated biting problems can also lead to chronic jaw discomfort. Seeing one of your orthodontists as soon as possible is recommended if you have pain when biting down. Biting, chewing, and speaking can all be improved by correcting an overbite.

  1. I do not need an orthodontist since I can straighten my teeth on my own.

The belief that tooth movement can be done safely without a dentist’s or orthodontist’s assistance is the most pernicious misconception regarding orthodontics.

The truth is that a do-it-yourself kit purchased online could end up ruining your teeth. Seeing an orthodontist for treatment is the safest option for tooth movement.