Health Benefits of consuming Hydrogen Water

Hydrogen water is increasingly becoming part of the daily lives of people who want a healthier life. It brings about changes to various problems that have alleviated or, in some cases, disappeared. Today, we leave you with 5 amazing benefits of hydrogenated water that can be verified.

  1. Hydrogen water is a powerful antioxidant that protects the brain

It was proven, in a 2007 study, that molecular hydrogen (H2) can protect one against various damages, like reducing toxic species in cells. In the bodies of rats that suffered from a stroke, it was observed that the hydrogen that was inhaled managed to reach their brain to reduce damage.

In another pilot study in 2013, out of 38 stroke patients, a hydrogen solution proved to have slight antioxidant effects. The studies go further and show that in 17 patients with Parkinson’s disease, those who drank hydrogen water improved their symptoms, in contrast to those who drank “placebo” water, who experienced an aggravation. There was no effect from consuming 1 litre of hydrogen per day for about a year.

Hydrogen water was also tried on mice and successfully reduced oxidative stress, preventing Parkinson disease. The rats that drank this water were better than those that received high amounts of hydrogen intravenously.

Finally, hydrogen water was used to prevent cognitive, learning and memory problems under stress. It protected cells in the brain’s memory centre and the damaging effects of stress.

  1. Hydrogen water can improve mood changes

In two studies, one in 2009 and the other is 2014, the consumption of hydrogen water provided a natural growth of brain cells in rats. The purpose of these studies was to demonstrate that this may help people with depression and disorders such as long-term mood swings.

  1. Hydrogen water has anti-inflammatory effects

20 patients with rheumatoid arthritis drank 0.5 L of water with hydrogen for 4 weeks and,in the end, all patients achieved a 20% remission. Water with hydrogen also showed anti-inflammatory effects in many animals (Studies 1, 2, 3 and 4 ).

  1. Hydrogen water reduces muscle fatigue and weakness

In an experiment on 10 young athletes who drank water with hydrogen, there was a reduction in the accumulation of lactic acid during heavier exercises, decreasing muscle fatigue.

In addition, in a small study with 8 cyclists, it was demonstrated that by drinking 2 L of hydrogenated water daily, athletes were able to do sprints with more energy and less exhaustion.

  1. Hydrogen water can help with weight loss by increasing energy metabolism

The long-term consumption of this water also helped in the loss of fat and weight in rats, stimulating the burning of fats and sugars without changing the diet.

Hydrogen water has also been shown to protect the body’s power plant. In a study with 41 people suffering from muscle diseases, the ingestion of 0.5 to 1 L of water a day led to improvements, just like the test with rats that had stimulated energy metabolism.


Hydrogenated water can bring significant improvements to your health, with results that appear over time. At Coral Pure, we are aware of its longstanding benefits and are ready to provide the best services. For more information on hydrogen water in Singapore and the benefits of consuming them, visit today.