Young Asian woman holding home pregnancy test and looking cheerful. The longest wait ever. Life changing moment. Am I ready to be pregnant? Dream came true.

If you have an underlying condition or fertility problems, you may have many questions about how to get pregnant. But worry not. Taking care of your body is the first step to optimizing your fertility. That includes eating a proper diet, maintaining a healthy weight, and getting in good shape for conception. For a woman, the most important thing is to understand her body and, specifically, her menstrual cycle. That helps her identify the ovulation period to accurately time intercourse to try to conceive.

This post highlights some tips to help you boost your chances of getting pregnant. However, you should also consult with your fertility specialist at Procrea because this advice is general, and you may need a specialist’s attention. 

Monitor your menstrual cycle

If you want to get pregnant, the first step is to monitor your menstrual cycle and record it frequently. You want to know if the first days of your periods occur on the same days every month, which is considered a regular cycle. If your cycle lengths vary from one month to another, your menstrual cycle is deemed to be irregular. Tracking your menstrual cycle helps you predict your ovulation period. Timing ovulation is necessary because a woman’s egg is only fertile for 12-24hours after its release, while a man’s sperm can stay in a woman’s body for up to five days.

Track your ovulation 

A woman with a regular menstrual cycle ovulates two weeks before their menstruation. On the other hand, it is harder to predict the ovulation of a woman with irregular menstrual cycles, but it may occur 12-16days before the start of the next menstruation period. Monitoring ovulation is crucial because it helps you know the best time to conceive. You can monitor your ovulation using a home prediction kit or track the cervical mucus, which increases before ovulation.

Have intercourse every day during the ovulation period

The ovulation period or fertile period is five days before ovulation and the actual ovulation day. This is when a woman is fertile. You can use a menstrual tracking app to identify your fertile period, which is when you are most likely to conceive. When you have identified your fertility period, you should have sex every other day to increase your chances of conceiving. 

Maintain a healthy body weight

Being underweight or overweight can negatively impact your chances of conceiving. According to research, an overweight woman can take twice as long to conceive as a woman with a normal BMI. Having excess body fat causes more production of estrogen hormone, which can interfere with ovulation. An underweight woman can take four times as long to conceive. Male obesity also interferes with sperm concentration, impacting a couple’s ability to conceive.

Avoid strenuous workouts

Regular exercises can help prepare for the demands of pregnancy and labor. However, too much physical activity can interfere with ovulation. Women who exercise vigorously experience a lot of menstrual disturbances, and they have to cut back on these exercises if they want to get pregnant.

The takeaway

Be aware of the age-related fertility declines and kick ut the smoking and drinking habits in readiness for getting pregnant. Also, know when to see a fertility specialist.