Lesser Known Facts About Cosmetic Dentistry

Cosmetic dentistry is a popular choice for people looking to improve the appearance of their teeth and smile. While many people are familiar with common cosmetic procedures such as teeth whitening and veneers, you might not be aware of a few lesser-known facts about cosmetic dentistry. 

Ensure to visit a cosmetic dentist in Omaha, NE, for more information regarding your concerns and to learn about the right cosmetic dentistry procedure for your dental problems. 

Here are six interesting things you may not have known about cosmetic dentistry:

  • Cosmetic dentistry can address a wide range of issues.

Cosmetic dentistry is not just about improving the appearance of your teeth. It can also be used to correct functional issues such as misaligned teeth, bite problems, and missing teeth.

Some cosmetic procedures are reversible. While some cosmetic procedures, such as veneers, are permanent, others can be reversed if needed. For example, teeth whitening can be undone with time, and bonding can be removed or replaced if it becomes damaged.

  • Certain foods and drinks can stain teeth. 

If you are considering a teeth whitening procedure, it is important to be aware that certain foods and drinks, such as coffee, tea, and red wine, can stain your teeth. Avoiding these items or brushing your teeth after consuming them can help to maintain the results of your whitening treatment.

  • Cosmetic dentistry can be expensive. 

Cosmetic dentistry can be costly depending on the procedures you choose and your insurance coverage. Be sure to discuss the cost of treatment with your dentist and consider your budget before making any decisions.

  • Not all dentists offer cosmetic dentistry. 

While many general dentists offer some cosmetic procedures, some procedures may require a specialist, such as an orthodontist or a prosthodontist. Be sure to research the training and experience of the dentist you choose to ensure you are getting the best care possible.

  • You can still get cavities with cosmetic dental work. 

Just because you have cosmetic dental work does not mean you are immune to cavities. It is important to continue to brush and floss regularly and visit your dentist for regular cleanings to keep your teeth healthy.

Overall, cosmetic dentistry can be a great way to improve the appearance of your teeth and smile. However, it is important to research and understand the potential risks and benefits before making any decisions. Be sure to consult a qualified dental professional to determine the best course of treatment for your needs.