Some Surprising Changes Related to Menopause

Menopause Symptoms That May Surprise You | Everyday Health

Everything is subject to change. No one and nothing is spared from this naturally occurring phenomena and all we can do is to go with the flow and make the most out of it. That is why it is better to learn about these things before they start, so that we can prepare and adapt to the new things that it will bring. This is the course of life and will occur no matter what, and it’s up to us on how we will take it, and it can either be positive or negatively.

Changes are present in the human body, and most changes that are really surprising are those that occur in women and it is highly related to the widely known milestone of female lives, and it is called menopause. This is a stage of a woman’s life where she gets her last menstrual period after 12 straight months of absence of her monthly period. This can occur naturally, which is called natural menstruation or can be caused by surgery or damage to the ovaries. And with this, she will experience changes that will really surprise her. These changes may cause confusion and uneasiness at first, but when you get to know what they are, you will be prepared and be able to adapt.

  1. Hot Flashes

Hot flashes are sudden feelings of warmth that are triggered by hormonal imbalance during menopause. Women may feel warmth and sudden increase in temperature in the chest and face and are usually followed by chills and could last for years. This is a normal experience that menopausal women go through and can be prevented by avoiding spicy food, food containing caffeine and avoiding stressful activities. Estrosmart for estrogen can help prevent hot flashes.

  1. Back and joint Pains

As the level of estrogen declines in a woman’s body, he or she may experience muscle and joint pains because there are an abundance of estrogen receptors in the joints and muscles which usually deal with the pain of wear and tear, inflammation and natural aging. The best management for this is to increase physical activity in order to strengthen muscles and joints further.

  1. Mood Swings

Mood Swings are common in a menopausing woman. Imbalance of hormones is one of the causes, making a woman lose her temper, grumpy and irritable. Don’t be surprised when you get scolded by your grandma over little things because these mood swings are really erratic and sometimes hard to control but like I said, it’s normal and comes with aging. Deal with it with a little extra love and care.

  1. Weight Gain

As women get older, so thus her weight. Aging female bodies tend to accumulate more weight during menopausal periods because of lack of inactivity, which sometimes lead to heart diseases and put them at risk for other diseases. It is better to eat right and maintain a healthy body fat ratio as women get older.

  1. Osteoperosis

Lastly, women tend to lose more calcium as time passes by and can start even before menstruation, and that’s what we call osteoporosis. This is one of the things that should be put to attention at all times, because it is really critical that we may maintain healthy bone density to avoid bone brittleness and change of posture.