Things You Must Know for Sex Conversion

Sex conversion or sex reassignment surgery is the surgical process under which a transgender can alter the physical appearance and the functioning of their sexual characteristics. These sexual characteristics are altered in a way to resemble their existing and the socially identified gender. These sex conversion surgeries are of two types, feminization and masculinization.

The feminization surgeries are conducted on the anatomies that are typically female. These include the vaginoplasty, the voice feminization surgery, facial feminization surgery. For the transgender people whose sexual characteristics resemble the feminine gender, these surgeries are carried out. With these few alterations in their sexual characteristics, they can have their desired way of living. On the other hand, masculinization surgeries are the ones that are conducted to the anatomies typically gendered as male. These surgeries include chest masculinization surgery.

These sex conversion in Korat [ แปลงเพศ โคราช, Which is the term in Thai ] are pretty common. There are many clinics and authorized surgeons assigned for it. But before one goes for a sex conversion surgery, they have to take a look at the medical considerations that is involved in this procedure. People with serious problems like Hepatitis or HIV can have complications during surgery. As these surgeries are conducted in small and private clinics, there is less potential for treating these complications that might occur. All the other health conditions such as diabetes, blood clotting, do not usually cause many complications in the surgery if it is being performed by a professional.  

There are many trained surgeons that are coming up to perform sex conversion surgeries. These sex conversion surgeries are guided by certain rules and documents. These documents are called the Standards of Care or the SOC. These standards of care are frequently revised and updated by the World Professional Association for Transgender Health.

All the surgeons must adhere to the SOC’s. These SOC’s have specific and minimum requirements as the guidelines for performing the surgery. If the patient does not fit in the stated guidelines of the SOC’s, he cannot go through the surgery. The people who have undergone sex conversion surgeries may experience changes regarding their physical appearance. Sometimes, the surgeries may also have side effects of the sex steroid treatment. Thus before taking the sex conversion surgery, the transgender people should be aware of any kind of the risks associated with it. The transgenders also have to cope psychologically after the surgery, but many surveys have stated that the results were completely satisfactory.