Things You Should Expect from an Abortion Pill

It is vital to remember that abortion pill comes with severe side effects and pain. Therefore, you will experience bleeding and cramps for a few hours afterward.

Before you decide to take an abortion pill, you should conduct an appointment with health center staff, doctor, and nurse to determine whether it is the best course of action.

Of course, you can choose other abortion options that will be painless and without too much bleeding. Still, you should conduct lab tests and exams, ultrasound, and other screenings to determine the pregnancy characteristics.

It would be best to learn more about the Charlotte abortion clinic, which will help you determine where to start with the process.

After screenings, you will go home, and the doctor will call you for the next appointment. You will start with the preparation process during this period, which is an important consideration to remember.

They will provide you with instructions on how to take the pills, which you should follow from A to Z. At the same time, you will have access to professionals throughout the process.

Remember that a process comes with severe cramping and bleeding after you get the second one. Therefore, you should ensure you make the process as comfortable as possible. Enjoy your household, especially the area where you can rest.

It is important to be next to someone you trust, which will help you prevent potential side effects severity as they happen.

You will need books, food, maxi pads, movies, and anything that will help you pass the time. Besides, you should purchase a heating pad to reduce cramps. You will also need pain medicine, but avoid aspirin-based ones because they can cause more significant bleeding.

Things to Expect During a Medical Abortion

Remember that abortion pills come with specific steps you should follow:

  • It would help if you first consumed mifepristone, a medicine that will stop the pregnancy’s evolution. Afterward, you will start bleeding and feeling nauseous, but you may not feel anything as well. The doctor will prescribe you antibiotics to prevent potential infections from happening.
  • The next step is to take misoprostol. Generally, it would help if you asked your doctor when and how to take it. It would be best if you took it between twenty-four and forty-eight hours after the first pill. This one will cause bleeding and cramping, which is something you should remember.

You should click here to learn more about medical abortion.

Keep in mind that bleeding and cramping start between one and four hours after takingthe second medicine. As a result, you will notice a large blood clot during the process, which can be the size of a lemon.

It is similar to having a crampy and heavy period, but the process is more similar toa miscarriage. The process will last for a few hours. Most women will pass the pregnancy tissue in the next five hours, but the process can last longer depending on numerous factors.

Bleeding and cramping will slow down after the tissue gets out. Of course, you may feel the side effects in the next few days until you recover.

Thirty minutes after the second medicine, you can take ibuprofen-based pain medicine. At the same time, you can find a wide array of anti-nausea medication, but avoid consuming aspirin because it may lead to significant bleeding.

Of course, you should follow the rules doctor gave you beforehand. For instance, you should visit a health center for blood tests and ultrasound. On the other hand, you can get a pregnancy test inthe household.The tests will ensure your abortion works.

In most cases, abortion will work. In the unlikely case, the process will not function, which means you will remain pregnant. In that situation, you should choose an in-clinic procedure or another dose of medication.

Final Word

It would be best to keep in mind that this procedure comes with a wide array of potential problems. For instance, you will experience heavy bleeding with large clots, plenty of cramping and belly aches, vomiting and upset stomach, tiredness, dizziness, and diarrhea.

You may also experience a mild fever, which is why you should call a doctor if you notice changes.

Check out this guide: to know more about abortion for teens and what to expect.

If you wish to reduce the pain and boost comfort, you should take specific ibuprofen pain meds, place a heating pad on your belly, use a hot water bottle, take a shower, and have someone close to you rub your back during the process.