Tips to Take Care of Your Teeth After a Root Canal 

A root canal is a popular dental operation that helps remove an infected tooth and restore oral health. This technique is used to treat dental infections and rotting or damaged teeth. This dental procedure demands extra attention and care to recover from it properly. Talk to a Richmond, IN root canal specialist today for more information. 

After-procedure care for a root canal-treated tooth 

People can care for a root canal-treated tooth just like any other tooth after a permanent crown or filling. People should clean and floss their teeth twice a day and can eat their favorite dishes. Patients must, however, adhere to specific guidelines till then. These guidelines will safeguard the treated tooth and the temporary crown or filling. 

  • Brush and floss gently 

It is crucial to keep the area clean following a root canal treatment. Aggressive brushing, on the other hand, exerts too much strain on the treated area and may dislodge the temporary filling or crown. Gently clean the teeth with a soft-bristled brush and then floss. Do not try to shove the floss between your teeth. Contact your dentist if it does not smoothly glide between your teeth. The filling may need to be altered to allow dental floss to pass through. 

  • Rinse your mouth 

After a root canal treatment, cleanliness is essential. Patients should use a saltwater rinse many times daily for the first three days after the procedure, in addition to flossing and brushing their teeth. A half teaspoon of table salt should be added to lukewarm water. Rinse for a few seconds. Be gentle, as rinsing too aggressively can cause tooth damage. 

  • Eat soft foods 

It is important for people who have a temporary filling or crown to avoid harsh and gritty foods. Certain foods might cause the temporary filling or crown to become loose, exposing the nerves. Soft foods are best immediately after a root canal. Soup, for example, provides the necessary nutrition without hurting the treated tooth. To avoid sensitivity, foods should be served at mild temperatures. 

  • Do not put pressure on the tooth. 

You must avoid putting too much pressure on the tooth immediately following a root canal. People should chew on the other side until the permanent crown or filling is placed. It is also important for those who grind their teeth to wear mouthguards. Even after the permanent crown or filling is set, they should continue to use the mouthguards. Grinding is reduced with mouthguards, which preserve teeth and dental restorations.