Top 6 Tips to Care for Your Teeth After a Root Canal Treatment

A root canal is a procedure that requires the removal of the infected pulp in your tooth and any bacteria or tissue connecting to it to prevent further infection. Although most patients regain their normal function following treatment, some may experience minor discomfort. You should ask a Monterey Park, CA dentist about how to give proper care for your teeth after a root canal to achieve good results from your root canal treatment.

In order to keep up oral health after a root canal treatment, here are six tips:

  1. Brush your teeth twice a day and floss once a day

Brushing and flossing are the best ways to keep your teeth clean. You should brush twice a day and floss at least once a day. This will help to remove plaque and food particles that can lead to infection. You should also make sure that you brush gently and never apply pressure.

  1. Take care of what you eat

While you may be hoping that a root canal will give you a “sobering” experience, taking care of what you eat is important. Don’t eat hard foods that can crack your teeth due to tooth decay. If you have sensitive teeth, stick to soft foods that won’t cause an eruption out of your gums. This will help to prevent receding gums and prevent the spread of bacteria.

  1. Avoid sugary foods, drinks, and anything else that can further irritate your gums

Be sure to avoid sugary foods, drinks, and anything else that can further irritate your gums. It is essential to give proper care after root canal treatment to prevent further complications. Avoiding sugary food and drinks is sure to improve your overall oral health.

  1. Keep a check on your medication

Some medications can cause tooth sensitivity. If you’re on blood pressure medication, aspirin, or other painkillers, then make sure to get a checkup before the end of your appointment to make sure that you’re not causing damage to your fillings. 

  1. Visit your dentist as directed

Follow any directions that your dentist gives you after treatment. If they recommend something, such as flossing a certain way or eating soft foods, do what they say. This will help to ensure good oral health and comfort. Moreover, visit your dentist for follow-ups and ensure that everything is going well.