What to Expect When Seeing an Orthopedic Surgeon

Imagine walking into the office of Stephen Fisher, MD, a renowned orthopedic surgeon. You feel the cold, sterile air as you take a seat, your heart pounding with uncertainty. You’re here because of relentless knee pain that’s been eating away at your nights, stealing your sleep. You’re desperate for relief, for a solution. But you’re also nervous. You wonder – what exactly can you expect from this visit?

The Initial Consultation

First thing’s first – the initial consultation. This is an open discussion, a chance to share your ailment, your pain. Dr. Fisher is here to listen, to understand. He’ll ask about your symptoms – onset, duration, severity. It may feel exhaustive, but it’s crucial. The more he knows, the better he can help.

The Physical Examination

Next comes the physical examination. Dr. Fisher will assess your mobility, strength, and pain. He might ask you to perform certain movements – bend, stretch, walk. It might be uncomfortable, even painful. But remember, it’s a necessary step towards getting you back on your feet.

The Diagnosis

Then comes the hard part – the diagnosis. Dr. Fisher gathers all the information – your symptoms, your physical examination results. He pieces everything together, like a jigsaw puzzle. Then, he gives it to you straight – the name of your condition. It might come as a shock, or maybe you already had an inkling. Either way, it’s a lot to process.

The Treatment Plan

Finally, the treatment plan. Here’s where hope enters the picture. Dr. Fisher outlines a strategy, tailored to your needs. It could involve physical therapy, medication, or even surgery. It might seem daunting, but here’s the thing. With every step you take on this journey, you’re getting closer to relief, closer to normalcy.

So, that’s what you can expect when you see an orthopedic surgeon like Stephen Fisher, MD. It’s not a walk in the park. It’s a journey – a journey towards healing. It may be scary at first, but remember – you’re not alone. You have Dr. Fisher by your side, guiding you, every step of the way.