What to Expect with Tummy Tuck Recovery

If you are going to have a tummy tuck, you will need to consider the recovery that is involved. Recovery is different for everyone and it can depend on different factors, including the type of procedure you have, age, body weight, and health. It’s normal to want to bounce back quickly after surgery, but it’s important to give the body time to heal. While you may only stay in the hospital for a few hours after surgery, the real recovery begins when you leave the hospital.

Recovery Timeline

Knowing your specific recovery timeline with your surgeon can help you make plans and give yourself ample time to heal. Drains will be left in for a few days after surgery. You will be shown how to take care of these and empty them. You will probably take an antibiotic while the drains are in. You will then wear an abdominal binder for six weeks. The binder helps support the abdomen and avoids any fluid buildup. For a mini tummy tuck the process is shorter, but you will still need to avoid any strenuous activity for six weeks. This also includes heavy lifting.

What to Expect after Surgery

A nurse or your surgeon will guide you on the proper ways to recover at home. You will learn how to care for drains and incisions, what to be aware of in terms of signs of an infection, when you should see the surgeon again, and how much to rest. You will also be told how long to wear pressure garments and what you can eat to remain comfortable. You will need to have someone else drive you home after surgery and help care for you the first 48 hours. You should avoid alcohol while taking painkillers and avoid smoking. Smoking can hurt the healing process and cause some additional complications. Be sure to take any medications as prescribed by your doctor and avoid any medicine that contains aspirin unless your doctor says it’s okay.

At Home Recovery

For the first few nights, you may want to sleep at an incline. Keeping your upper body raised can help reduce swelling. Put pillows underneath your knees, in order to reduce any pressure on your abdomen. The doctor can advise on the best positions for sleeping after your surgery. Keep moving after surgery, even with just a bit of walking, in order to keep blood flowing. This will decrease the chance of a blood clot in your legs. You should rest as much as possible and you can feel tired for weeks. It could take several weeks for you to be back to normal.

Side Effects

Pain will be the most common side effect for the first days after surgery. You can also experience swelling up to three months after your surgery.