Why You Need Spicy Ocotea Essential Oil

Why You Need Spicy Ocotea Essential Oil

The regular users, as well as the newbies in the world of essential oils, can’t get disappointed by the benefits they reap. With different naturally distilled oils, they tend to break the taboo and live an eco-friendly life. One of the most popular essences they use is Ocotea. Its wide range of unique properties doesn’t only enhance natural health but also praise it for highly effective and versatile uses.

It is derived from the leaves and branches of a genus of trees called Ocotea. Somewhere, it is also related to the cinnamon plant and contains trace amounts of a powerful antioxidant, cinnamaldehyde. Alpha-Humulene and Beta-Caryophyllene, as well as camphor and safrole, are its most important active ingredients that provide the majority of the health benefits, including lowering blood sugar, eliminating fungal infection, healing the skin, boosting the immune system, protecting the heart, soothing inflammation, optimizing digestion, strengthening the hair, and aiding weight loss efforts.

Why Do You Need This Spicy Natural Oil?

Controls Diabetes

Research shows if you keep 2-3 drops of this oil under your tongue, you can see a plunge in your sugar level. It is very helpful but, of course, not the only remedy you can rely upon. Medical experts suggest this is effective if you consume it alongside your prescribed medications. Only then can it help prevent the spikes and drops the glucose levels, and increase insulin resistance.

Boosts Heart Health

As it keeps blood pressure in check, you can trust this oil with atherosclerosis, heart attacks, strokes, and irregular heart palpitations. But, be very cautious when using it in combination with medication for hypertension, as that can lower your blood pressure beneath the minimal appropriate level.

Prevents Fungal Infections

Fungal infections on the feet and other commonly exposed parts of the body are not a new thing anymore. But leveraging the anti-fungal properties of essential oil is something you might not have imagined. This oil is essentially a go-to solution for skin irritation and unsightly conditions.

Improves Digestion

If you are seeking to ensure a healthy digestive system that goes normally and smoothly, try the anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic properties of Ocotea oil. It is heaven for those who suffer from diarrhea, cramps, bloating, and constipation regularly.

Cares for Your Hair

You can also apply the blend of this oil to your scalp to help stimulate the blood flow and prevent fungal or bacterial infections. It also improves follicle health and lowers the risk of hair loss, meanwhile accentuating the appearance and texture of your locks.

Weight Loss

No, we aren’t recommending direct consumption of the essential oils as that can be dangerous for your health. But, if you dilute it by adding a few drops in a glass of water, it will not cause any harm. Thus, when obesity takes a toll on you, try the diluted version of this essence to curb cravings and promote feelings of fullness. It is a healthy way of losing weight by preventing overeating and snacking between meals.

Reduces Inflammation

When applied topically or inhaled through a steam inhaler or room diffuser, Ocotea soothes inflammation in tissues and organs. Be it itchy skin inflammation, joint disorders, muscle pains, or upset stomach; it deals with everything. For skin, it eliminates red, swollen, and inflamed patches.

Reduces Headaches

If a headache bothers you, apply a few drops of this oil to the temples, which will relieve your pain exponentially. Through its anti-inflammatory properties and aromatic compounds, it will induce calmness and relaxation. Migraines aren’t easy to deal with, but if you use this essence in a room diffuser regularly, you might see some positive changes in your health.

Having read all the reasons why you need to get this essence, order your own Young Living Essential Oils. You will be assured of pure-grade and quality products at a chunk of expense, not to mention the satisfaction you will attain after using this oil.