Wisdom tooth removal: A guide for patients

For the unversed, wisdom teeth are the third set of molars that typically erupt in adult life. Because there is no room in the mouth for new molars, these teeth are often impacted and cause overcrowding, leading to pain and discomfort. If you visited general dentistry in Burlingame, CA, and the dentist asked you to get a wisdom tooth removed, here’s what you must know before the procedure.  

Discussing the extraction

Your dentist will discuss the extraction with you in detail, which starts with an overview of your medical history. They will want you to share details of your current medications and any conditions that need attention. It is common for dentists to take X-rays of the impacted tooth before removal.

During the procedure

You can consider local, oral conscious, or general sedation during the extraction. If you decide to go for local anesthesia, your dentist will use Novocaine or similar drugs to numb the tooth. There is also the option of oral conscious sedation, where you will be partially aware after taking a pill. Although rare, some patients may consider wisdom tooth extraction under general anesthesia after talking to their dentist.

Once the anesthesia takes effect, your dentist will consider making an access point in the gums to get to the wisdom tooth. If the tooth is already visible through the gums, they can proceed with the extraction. You may feel some pressure in your mouth, but there is no pain. Sometimes, the dentist may have to break the tooth into pieces for removal. They will further clean the area to remove debris and complete the stitches. You will need to take antibiotics to prevent infection and accelerate healing. The whole procedure shouldn’t take more than an hour.

After the surgery

You can go back home immediately after extraction, especially if your dentist only used local anesthesia. Make sure that you follow the care instructions, which include applying an ice compress on the cheeks and eating soft foods. If the pain gets worse, make sure to take OTC painkillers as suggested by your dentist. While the pain shouldn’t be unbearable, there could be unusual complications that require emergency care.

Final word

Wisdom teeth removal is one of the simplest dental procedures done in clinics. As long as a qualified endodontist or dentist is handling the case, you have very little to worry about. Check online now to find out more about local dental practices in Burlingame.